On Reserve

School supplies made from recycled library books.


In January 2021, I was invited to participate in Var Gallery’s 30x30x30 exhibition. The show asked 40 artists to work within the parameters of making one piece of art a day for 30 consecutive days within a 6x6x6” dimension. The show opened in April, showcasing 1,200 unique pieces that range in various mediums. 


Do you remember begging your mom for the new box of crayons with the sharpener in the back? New school supplies made us feel better prepared, organized, ready to start afresh. The series, On Reserve, narrates this nostalgic, back-to-school mentality and the value of reading, research, and the centric role of the book within a student’s educational experience. During a year of virtual and hybrid learning, the book has remained a reliable, tangible source for information – serving as a healthy escape from the persistence of obligatory screen time. These pieces weave a network of assignments, diverse course content, and learning methods into a display of small objects signifying the renewal of an academic term.


As an Assistant Professor in Carroll's Graphic Design program, I participated in the challenge in between academic terms. I found myself reflecting on all the virtual teaching and learning, and felt a strong pull to create a tangible experience for the students. So I called Carroll University's Todd Wehr Memorial Library to request a couple of books be put on reserve. I quickly learned that the pandemic was also affecting the textbooks. The request was met with, “well, yes, but library books are put into quarantine for three days after they’ve been returned… “ Clearly, this was not great news, but from there, the idea for On Reserve was born.

Creating the series helped reboot my creative practice and turn my sculpture brain back on. While creating a new piece every day for 30 days felt like an art-making marathon, for me, the experience was also inspiring and centering. You know you’ve found your passion when you go to sleep and wake up mentally problem-solving how to make a #2 pencil or pink eraser out of paper. 


Learn More

Listen as I talk about the work on the “Authentic Obsessions,” podcast with Margret Petrie.



Add a piece from the On Reserve paper art series to your personal collection.



View behind the scenes videos of how the pieces were made.



Listen to Julie and Margret Petrie discuss teaching, cooking shows, and the Var Gallery 30x30x30 experience on the Authentic Obsessions podcast


Shop Julie’s Available Paper Works

Julie VonDerVellen